Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Pope Owns Long John Silvers

I LOVED this episode of 30 Rock...

I found myself laughing the entire time.
I think the show is so much like Seinfeld in so many different ways. The catty humor, sarcasm, and absolutely ridiculous situations are so funny to watch. I love the Canadian guy who said he doesn't understand sarcasm because they don't have Jews in Canada. That made me laugh out loud.

Once again though, Tracy was my favorite because he was the funniest. I thought his argument about religions being fake was funny even though I consider myself pretty religious. The show has the ability to make you laugh over things you really don't want to give in to. For instance, in my last post I made it evident that I really do not like Alec Baldwin but during this episode I was able to forget about my dislike for him and laugh at his character. I hope that I continue to watch this show after I am done with this class because it really is funny. I just need to get into it.


  1. hahahha no what sweater, what did it look like??

  2. It definetly reminded me of Seinfeld, but a bit more ridiculous. I think that's what makes its off-the-wall humor so enjoyable! I agree with Tracy being a favorite, he gets it right almost every time!

  3. I need to get into it as well, and I feel that this episode redeemed the last and makes me want to watch more. I loved it also! I haven't seen much Seinfeld but it does seem similar, minus the laugh track of course.

  4. @ Jason Vala: You gave me a baby blue sweater from Old Navy for Christmas that your sister picked out because she thought it would look pretty on me. LOL!!! I remember you got a Nickelback CD and were SO excited, hahahaha. I remember the most ridiculous stuff. I wore that sweater for a while though! hahahaha.

    @ Breanna: I still think Seinfeld may be a little more ridiculous, thanks to Cozmo Crammer, who is still so funny to me. If you watch the old episodes, the plot is absolutely mindless and dumb... which is probably why I love it! :)

    @ Sarah: This episode was SO much better than the last episode and if they continue the excellent writing, I will definitely be hooked. I miss Seinfeld :(

  5. "The show has the ability to make you laugh over things you really don't want to give in to." What a GREAT quote!
