Saturday, December 5, 2009

30 Rock... You still use your hotmail account?

Okay so I should start off by admitting I am a 30 Rock virgin.

As you may have read in previous posts, I watch so much TV it's sort of problematic but I never saw an episode of 30 Rock before this assignment. It was very... peculiar. I mean that in a nice way though because I found myself laughing several times throughout the episode. I have no shame admitting that my favorite character is Tracy Morgan. I absolutely love him in all the work he does because he is so funny. I have a whole lot of personal 'daddy issues' (hahaha) which is why I hate Alec Baldwin because I think he's a pig after listening to the voicemail he left his daughter a few years back. I truly appreciate Tina Fey's comedic relief in everything she does but I was a Sarah Palin backer (pretty much because I supported John McCain) and there's only so much I can tolerate when making fun of other people's beliefs. But I do admit some of those skits were funny.

One specific thing I wanted to point out in this posting was the fact that 30 Rock is likely one of those shows that needs to be watched more than once in order to fully understand all the hidden puns and references. That can be annoying at times but I thought it was great in this episode. I love scary movies so when she started doing the Exorcist thing, I found myself laughing out loud. I am looking forward to the next episode!

Ta ta for now,

Lacey J.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to see you moved out of your comfort zone! And I love that photo of Tina/Liz, BTW. I like the way you explained your personal relationship with the 3 main characters, because it makes a lot of sense--that's how viewers relate to TV characters: not just in their fictional roles, but other stuff as well. Baldwin was going to quit the show (in shame) after the voicemail incident, but was persuaded otherwise. And the weirdest semiotic reversal has occurred because now, whenever I see Sarah Palin, I cannot not see Tina Fey, even tho the reverse is not true.
    See if you can do some research (i.e., watch more episodes on; go to the Readers Forum on TWoP) and see what that does to your viewing experience next week.
    What other work impressed you w/Tracy? And what skits did you find funny? (Just a few more details . . .:-)
